The opening day of the festival does not hold back and covers the entire spectrum of emotions, ranging from charmingly sly nostalgia to emotionless black blacks. These are films that do not simply make you feel, but ignite your mind to think and make sense of such great issues as morality, belonging, authenticity and purpose.
Discover day 1 of PÖFF25 here.
Nov. 12, Friday at 4:30 p.m., Kino Artis.
This thrilling piece, nominated for best film at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival, tells the story of Emma, who joins the army at the age of 20. In part, this decision is modeled on her father, but it is even more influenced by inner emptiness, the purpose of being. The army suits her: discipline, strong relations of command, camaraderie. Everything would be fine, but the young woman's developing inner peace will be disturbed by Sergeant Richard, whom she is drawn to.
A New Old Play
Nov. 12, at 7:45 p.m., Coca-Cola Plaza.
The Chinese film "A New Old Play", which won a special jury award at Locarno Film Festival, brings to the viewer the fate of the Sichuan Provincial National Opera Troupe in the whirlwind of 20th century history. The film is a blend of reality and rich Chinese mythology. Despite political pressure and constant hunger, the characters are able to maintain optimism and warm humor. The backdrop of traditional Chinese opera, which predominates in the pictorial language, is also hugely enjoyable.
The Innocents
Nov. 12, Friday at 8:45 p.m., Kino Artis.
A 9-year-old Norwegian girl Ida is moving to a new city with her parents and autistic sister Anna. Anna doesn't talk and Ida teases her, stuffing shards of glass into her sister's shoes, for example, because she thinks Anna doesn't feel any pain. Norwegian director and screenwriter Eskil Vogt was inspired by his own children: “Children are not angels. They were born without any morality or empathy, and we must teach them that.” The film premiered at the Cannes programme Un Certain Regard.
Official Competition
Nov. 12, Friday at 9 p.m., Apollo Kino Solaris.
Oma varjatud egomaania ja nauditavalt absurdsete kaadritaguste stseenidega on jäine satiir, mis heidab filmimaailmale iroonilise pilgu. 80-aastane ravimitööstuse magnaat ostab õigused Nobeli preemia võitnud romaanile ja usaldab selle filmilooja Lola Cuevase (Penélope Cruz) kätte. Lola valib peaosadesse kaks kõige erinevamat näitlejat: teatrilegendi Iván Torrese (Oscar Martínez) ning südametemurdja Félix Rivero (Antonio Banderas).
Nov. 12, Friday at 9:15 p.m., Apollo Kino Solaris.
A few years after Alfonso Cuaron came out with his autobiographical connotations and the nostalgic black-and-white of “Roma”, acclaimed Shakespeare popularizer Kenneth Branagh, who grew up in the Northern Irish capital, brings us autobiographical and highly nostalgic black-and-white Belfast. The film is one of the Oscar favorites for best film of the year.
12. nov, reede kell 21:15, Coca-Cola Plaza.
Kaasaegse linnainimese hingepaineid kujutavad Kaug-Ida filmid toovad nõudliku vaataja alati kinosaali. Selline on ka Korea psühholoogiline draama „Üksildased“, mis kajastab demograafilist seisu tema kodumaal, kus 2/5 leibkondadest moodustavad üksikult elavad inimesed. Paljude jaoks on tegu teadliku valikuga. Jina on üksik noor naine, kes pärast oma ema surma kardab kaotusevalu kordumist ja hoidub seetõttu vahetust inimlikust suhtlemisest.