Super Happy Forever
Poetic meditation on grief, love and closure.
Accompanied by his best friend Miyata, Sanu returns to Izu, a Japanese seaside resort where he fell in love five years earlier with his wife Nagi. Overcome by grief and nostalgia for the place, Sano starts looking for a red cap that Nagi had once misplaced.
Narratively playful and profoundly affecting, “Super Happy Forever” is an unconventional seaside romance. Extended flashback sequences blend memory with reality to create a moving portrait of a relationship’s beginnings while reflecting on its untimely end. A crackling chemistry between leads Hiroki Sano and Nairu Yamamoto combines with director Igarashi Kohei’s elegant visual style to create a beautiful ode to a love gained and lost.
The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival and won awards at the Ghent and Reykjavik Film Festivals.

Iki o koroshite (Hold Your Breath Like a Lover, 2014), Takara - La nuit où j'ai nagé (The Night I Swam, 2017, co-dir), Super Happy Forever (2024)