International premiere
A heartfelt and mysterious tale of Korean immigrants, centred on survival and spiced up with catching dogs.
Skilled hunter and animal-whisperer Sonny arrives in Canada, hoping to build a brighter future for his daughter and son, all the while grappling with deep grief after the loss of his wife. His humble son, Hajoon, practices mental and physical strength to protect his family, while young and naive Hana struggles to understand that her beloved mother will never return. In the world of “Mongrels”, the locals wear western cowboy hats and follow the teachings of preacher Scott, who encourages them to capture and kill dogs by deeming them big, bad rodents.
Director Jerome Yoo, an emerging talent, presents a non-linear story of courage, sin, love, and forgiveness, told in three distinct chapters. The film explores the personal challenges, weaknesses, and aspirations of three Korean immigrants, as they draw from the wisdom of Native Indians, who believe that wild mongrels watch over families like guardian angels.
Edvinas Pukšta

Jerome Yoo (1994) is a Seoul-born Korean-Canadian director and screenwriter who began his creative career as an actor. He has studied acting at the American Conservatory Theater, the Beverly Hills Playhouse and the Vancouver Acting School. Jerome Yoo’s background and love for the craft of acting also influence his character-driven writing and directing style. His work often explores the complexities of cultural identity and relationships through surreal elements. Often telling stories of youth, he aims to inject unconventional style and energy. Yoo made his directorial debut in 2018 with the school-themed short drama “Princess” (Gong Ju), which achieved success at several film festivals.
Mongrels (2024)
In cooperation with Embassy of Canada