Эстонская премьера
Кот-призрак Анзу
Мистический мир, странный друг и неожиданные решения.
Одиннадцатилетняя Карин брошена отцом в доме её деда, монаха из маленького городка в японской сельской местности. Дедушка просит Анзу, его весёлого и всегда готового помочь (хотя и довольно капризного) кота-призрака, присмотреть за ней. От столкновения их сильных характеров летят искры, по крайней мере сначала.

Yoko Kuno (1990) is a graduate of the Department of Graphic Design at Tama Art University. While a student, she created installations, sculptures, and animated works focusing on themes of young girls, animals, delinquents and other motifs with an undefinable graphic quality.
Penguin Highway (2018), Crayon Shin-chan: Burst Serving! Kung Fu Boys - Ramen Rebellion (2018), Shinchan: Crash! Scribble Kingdom and Almost Four Heroes (2020), Crayon Shin-chan: Mononoke Ninja Chinpuden (2022)

Nobuhiro Yamashita (1976) was born in Aichi Prefecture and attended Osaka University of Arts where he worked on Kazuyoshi Kumakiri’s “Kichiku Dai Enkai”. His graduation film “Hazy Life” took the Off Theatre Competition Grand Prize at the 2000 Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival. He also won the award for Best Director at the 32nd Hochi Film Award in 2007 for “A Gentle Breeze in the Village” and “The Matsugane Potshot Affair”. He often works with the screenwriter Kōsuke Mukai.
Kinô yori akaku, ashita yori aoku: Cinema Fighters Project (2021), Let's Go Karaoke! (2023), One Second Ahead, One Second Behind (2023), Kokuhaku Confession (2024), Swimming in a Sand Pool (2024)
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