Tormiline talent, kes muutis tennist igaveseks - Ilie Năstase.
„Nasty“ on dokumentaalfilm Rumeenia tennisetähe Ilie Năstase elust ja karjäärist. Ta sai tuntuks oma erakordse ande, huumorisoone ja skandaalse käitumise poolest. Năstase tõusis esimese tennisistina ATP edetabelis esikohale ning tema mängustiil muutis tennisemaailma alatiseks. Film uurib selle suurepärase sportlase tõuse ja langusi, alates US Openi võidust kuni teda saatnud probleemideni. Üle 100 ATP tiitli võitnud tennisisti peetakse tänapäeva tennise üheks suureks mõjutajaks. Film toob vaatajate ette tema tormilise elu ja kireva iseloomu ning teiste sseas saavad sõna ka Boris Becker, Rafael Nadal, John McEnroe jpt.
Mikk Granström
Despre oameni si melci (Of Snails and Men, 2012), De ce eu? (Why Me?, 2015), Parking (2019), Libertate (2023), Nasty (2024, co-dir, doc)
Cristian Pascariu (b. 1987) is a film director and screenwriter, passionate about education, art therapy and the integration of visuals in theater performances. He graduated from the Faculty of Theater and Film in Cluj-Napoca, Department of Cinematography, Photography and Media, in 2010. He has an MA from the Department of Art Therapy, within the National University of Theater and Cinematography “I.L. Caragiale” Bucharest. His short films have circulated in over 70 international film festivals. Now, he is working with various production companies in Bucharest on animation, short and feature film projects, and is preparing his first feature film project, produced by Point Film.
Nasty (2024, co-dir, doc)
Nasty (2024, co-dir, doc)
EOK Spordifilmide programmi esitleb Eesti Olümpiakomitee